Sunday 1 July 2012

Whats in the name, eh?

Hyperbolic Hues.
Hyperbole as a part of speech is simple exaggeration. An overstatement. Dictionary-wise its a rhetoric device.
And hues simple mean colours.
Now you might be thinking that why I named my blog "hyperbolic hues".
Thinking of a name for my blog was not an easy task, trust me. I searched for millions of names online(yeah, its exaggeration-million is too much :P), pestering my friends for suggestions.
One of the intellectual ones, too irritated when I called him again, simply told me to think of a name which was representative of my thinking.
"thinking towards what?", I asked in a confused way.
"Towards your life, dumbo. How you are. Your personality. You attitude towards life", he replied.
"Oh. Yeah this actually makes sense", I said already deep in thought(ignoring the word "dumbo").
"I always do", came the reply.

And then I analysed myself. How am I? Drama Queen. Yeah, Dramatic. Overdramatic.
And what is my attitude towards life: positive. Colorful(actually just one color: pink! But for argument's sake lets say all bright pink colors).
And with the help of came the name: hyperbolic. And I added 'hues'( alliteration sounds good!!).
Generally speaking, I think that life is a kaleidoscope. Every time you look into it, you see different colours and patterns. And, this blog would be like one. Expressing feelings, thoughts, opinions on a variety of subjects: love, politics,  social issues etc etc.
Hope you find the posts good and colorful, and for feedback feel free to express your opinion.!

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