Saturday 18 August 2012

The Aww Story

Somewhere last year I had picked up a copy of "Why Men Don't Listen, and Why Women can't read maps" at the railway station while going back to Delhi. I thought it would be an interesting read, but only after flipping a couple of pages realized that I won't enjoy it. At that time I wrongly thought that this difference between men and women is just deliberate reinforcement of the differences between the two genders.
But the events of past two weeks have seriously convinced me to pick that book again.

When I told my friends about my breakup, they all reacted differently.
Some supported me, and some didn't. 
All my female friends first went into multiple rounds of "awwww....awww.....", which reminded me that their reaction is similar when I used to tell them all the cute stuff. Okay I am not trying to prove that "awwww" is the natural reaction to all things good, sad, bad, cute, pretty, mushy, painful, but you get the idea, yeah.
So, after the awww-s had subsided I told them the whole story with the reasons, interrupted by 16 awwws, which was followed by more awwws..and more "awww..geet...poor baby" and all those aww filled hugs.
They completely supported my, adding fuel to the fire, enumerating all the cons of the relationship if I forgot to add one, and then again with awwws.

But boy oh boy, the male reaction was completely different, not just in terms of no-awwwsss, but they completely ridiculed my decision. One of them even went ahead and said in a grave manner "Break up is never a solution, its a sign of failure". Even after explaining all the reasons in an exaggerated manner, I got no awwws, no hugs,, no everything-will-be-all-rights.

This made me wonder whether the book had a point or not. Guys never understand that sometimes break up is the solution when you have tried everything, and its your last resort option. For them you must keep trying, but to what extent? And what about all the recurring problems? Whereas girls agree and understand that enduring some more days simply is totally worthless when its not working. They understand that you can't just keep giving chances like that.

I'll not go ahead and explore all the psychoanalysis of this difference as lot has been said and written about it, but its enough for me. But am sure if I analyze more, I'll notice more differences, but till then, let me just try to get the sympathy of the male category...

P.S. For all those who think Ive been sitting at home and eating a big bucket of ice-cream and watching sloppy yash raj movies, you are wrong. I am happy and getting a lot of awwwww-s.
By the way, blueberry flavor is yum.


  1. Awwww.... you jot things well

  2. Hey,
    Awww again. Seriously I have had enough awwwsss for a lifetime.
    But thankyou for reading and sharing your views:)


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